Toyota Camry manuals

Toyota Camry
 XV50 (2012–2017) Owners Manual
Vehicle specifications » Specifications » Fuel information
Recommendation of the use of cleaner burning gasoline

Cleaner burning gasoline, including reformulated gasoline that contains oxygenates such as ethanol or MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether) is available in many areas.

Toyota recommends the use of cleaner burning gasoline and appropriately blended reformulated gasoline. These types of gasoline provide excellent vehicle performance, reduce vehicle emissions and improve air quality.

    More about «Fuel information»:

    Fuel tank opening for unleaded gasoline

    Gasoline quality

    Gasoline quality standards

    Recommendation of the use of gasoline containing detergent additives

    Recommendation of the use of cleaner burning gasoline

    Non-recommendation of the use of blended gasoline

    Non-recommendation of the use of gasoline containing MMT

    If your engine knocks

    Toyota Camry XV50 (2012–2017) Owners Manual / Vehicle specifications / Specifications / Fuel information / Recommendation of the use of cleaner burning gasoline

    Toyota Camry XV50 (2012–2017) Owners Manual


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