1. Unless stated, all resistance is measured at an ambient temperature of 20 C (68 F). Resistances measured may be outside the specifications if measured at high temperatures, i.e. immediately after the vehicle has been running. Measurements should be made after the engine has cooled down.
Handling connectors
NOTICE: When testing a gold−plated female terminal, always use a gold−plated male terminal.
Checking connectors
3. Checking the contact pressure of the terminal: Prepare a spare male terminal. Insert it into a female terminal, and check for good tension when inserting and after full engagement.
Checking connectors
Repair method of connector terminal
Handling of wire harness
a. For an open circuit in the wire harness in Fig. 1, perform a resistance check (step b) or a voltage check (step c).
For an open circuit in the wire harness
b. Check the resistance.
1. Disconnect connectors A and C and measure the resistance between them.
Resistance: Below 1
HINT: Measure the resistance while lightly shaking the wire harness vertically and horizontally.
Fig. 2:
Between terminal 1 of connector A and terminal 1
of connector C " 10 k or higher
Between terminal 2 of connector A and terminal 2
of connector C " Below 1
If your results match the examples above, an open circuit exists between terminal 1 of connector A and terminal 1 of connector C.
Disconnect connectors A and C and measure the resistance between them
2. Disconnect connector B and measure the resistance between the connectors.
Fig. 3:
Between terminal 1 of connector A and terminal 1
of connector B1 " Below 1
Between terminal 1 of connector B2 and terminal 1
of connector C " 10 k or higher
If your results match the examples above, an open circuit exists between terminal 1 of connector B2 and terminal 1 of connector C.
Disconnect connector B and measure the resistance between the connectors
c. Check the voltage.
1. In a circuit in which voltage is applied to the ECU connector terminal, an open circuit can be checked by conducting a voltage check.
Fig. 4: With each connector still connected, measure the voltage between the body ground and terminal 1 of connector A at the ECU 5 V output terminal, terminal 1 of connector B and terminal 1 of connector C, in that order.
2. Example results:
5 V: Between terminal 1 of connector A and body ground
5 V: Between terminal 1 of connector B and body ground
0 V: Between terminal 1 of connector C and body ground
If your results match the examples above, an open circuit exists in the wire harness between terminal 1 of B and terminal 1 of C.
Check the voltage
a. If the wire harness is ground shorted (Fig. 5), locate the section by conducting a resistance check with the body ground (below).
If the wire harness is ground shorted
b. Check the resistance with the body ground.
1. Disconnect connectors A and C and measure the resistance between terminals 1 and 2 of connector A and the body ground.
Resistance: 10 k or higher
HINT: Measure the resistance while lightly shaking the wire harness vertically and horizontally.
Fig. 6:
Between terminal 1 of connector A and body
ground " Below 1
Between terminal 2 of connector A and body
ground " 10 k or higher
If your results match the examples above, a short circuit exists between terminal 1 of connector A and terminal 1 of connector C.
Disconnect connectors A and C and measure the resistance between terminals 1
and 2 of connector A and the body ground
2. Disconnect connector B and measure the resistance between terminal 1 of connector A and the body ground, and terminal 1 of connector B2 and the body ground.
Fig. 7:
Between terminal 1 of connector A and body
ground " 10 k or higher
Between terminal 1 of connector B2 and body
ground " Below 1
If your results match the examples above, a short circuit exists between terminal 1 of connector B2 and terminal 1 of connector C.
Disconnect connector B and measure the resistance between terminal 1 of
connector A and the body ground, and terminal 1 of connector B2 and the body
NOTICE: Start an inspection of the connector from the backside of the connector at the wire harness side with the connector connected to the ECU.
When no measuring condition is specified, perform the inspection with the engine stopped and the ignition switch ON.
Check that the connectors are fully seated. Check for loose, corroded or broken wires.
a First check the ECU ground circuit. If it is faulty, repair it.
If it is normal, the ECU could be faulty. Replace the ECU with a normal functioning one and check if the symptoms occur. If the trouble symptoms stop, replace the ECU.
1. Measure the resistance between the ECU ground terminal and body ground.
Resistance: Below 1
Measure the resistance between the ECU ground terminal and body ground
2. Disconnect the ECU connector. Check the ground terminals (on the ECU side and wire harness side) for evidence of bending, corrosion or foreign material.
Lastly check the contact pressure of the female terminals.
Disconnect the ECU connector